Amarnath Temple in Jammu and Kashmir

Amarnath Temple
About The Amarnath Temple

Amarnath Yatra

Amarnath Temple
Amarnath Temple Cave is a Hindu shrine is located in Jammu and Kashmir, India.The cave is situated at the attitude of 3,888 mm about 161 km from Sri Nagar, the summer capital of Jammu And Kashmir and reaches from the Pahalgam town.The shrine forms at the importance of Hindu's.and it to be considered to be one of the holiest Shrine of Hind.The cave is surrounded by the snow mountains.The cave is covered snow most of the year except for a short period of the time summer when it is open for pilgrims.


The Book Rajatangni refer to Amareshwara or
Snow Shivling
Amarnath. It Is believed that queen Suryamathi in the
11th AD gifted trishuls,banaligas and other sacred emblemsto the temple. Rajavlipataka, begun by the
prajyabhatta has detailed the references to the pilgrimage to the Amarnath Cave.Other than this, there are further referencesto this pilgrimages in many other ancient texts.

Amarnath Security


Every, Year thousand of central police and sate police are personal deployed to provide security 
pilgrims from potentials terror threats.The forces position at various halts and also in the perimeters
of the Shrine.


Officially, the yatra is organised by the state govt in collaboration with the Amarnath Shrine board.
the Govt agencies provide necessary facilities to all
 along the all during the Yatra period, which includes
provisions of ponies, the supply of power, telecommunications
of facilities, firewood and setting up of the fair price shop.
Amarnath Devottee


En route the cave, Various non profit organizers have set the food supply and resting tents called 
pandals which are the available for free to the pilgrims. Near the Shine, Hundred of the tents which are erected by local people can be hired for a night stay.Helicopter services from the base camp to panjtarni are also available fro the various private.


Devottee Death
Of the,622,00 yatra pilgrims in 2012,130 died during the yatra. The Major cause by the attribute to the people who were not physically fit for the arduous climb, high elevations, And adverse weather
undertook the yatra, Some also died in the road accidents before reached the base camp fro where the yatra start.Of the 130 deaths,88 were due to the purported health reasons and 42 in the road accidents.
The 2012 pilgrimage ended on shravana purnima days.


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